Details are between the lines
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Remember the forks?
Yeah, I still facing those forks. But right now, they're easier to manage. On second thought, I should have just moved all my stuff back home first then try to clear all my trash. Since Fri night, I've been sorting and looking through my stuff in my room, including the stuff from hall. Whether to throw or not, keep it away, or will I ever use it soon. It's been like 5 days, but I'm starting to see some progress. At least I see more space than I started with.

As I look through my stuff, I can really see how I spent my JC, then the army, then in hall these past few years. After JC, I realised I haven't been staying at home long, cause the army and hall is where I spent my time most. It was also kinda like running away from it all. But now, being back in my room and really spending so much time in it, I started to notice that nothing much has changed. It was like time almost slowed down to a standstill. Yeah, it's kinda nostalgic, but I can still see my JC stuff lying around when I dug out the deepest corners of my drawers. Some of my half done projects are still pending even, but heck, it's time to move on.

But clearing my room before the CNY hits is the least of my concern. Job hunting is still the priority. However, I think still get my priorities a bit wrong, just as how I've been doing it in my time in Sheares. At the end of the day, I guess I still need that someone to nag at me or check if I'm doing this or that. Although I know I've always had the strength to go it on my own.

So this is it. I'm so conditioned this way cos all my education life there's always someone to copy, someone to peep over to make sure if you're doing the right thing. This time, there isn't. You're on you own, whether you're right or not no one can say, until you succeed.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Stuck in the moment...