Details are between the lines
Saturday, July 10, 2004
Thought Leading To More Thoughts
I was talking to a friend last night when he asked how come I wasn't worried when I haven't packed my stuff when the trip is only two days away. Well, I was worried just that I didn't show it. One good point a friend used to tell me was that I can remain calm amid a stressful situation. I can somehow not let emotion get in the way, but not all the time. But it's good to have people like me around sometimes, at least one can still think clearly.
It may seem I'm perfect, but I've been overwhelmed and panicked before. This happens when the situation gets too close to my heart or there's just totally too much information to process. Speaking of which, I've been known not to be able to multi-task. I would called it 'my com hanging' and nothing would register after that.
As for the current situation, I think I have everything planned out, that's why I don't seem worried. However, usually things tend crop up out of nowhere and disrupt the whole plan, so let's hope I can do damage control before I prepare another midnight oil to burn.

Music can keep the soul going,
Just as food keeps the body up.
It can be good, it can be bad,
it's all up to you to decide.

No one can control what you listen.
But listen what you can control.
Do not let the music control you,
or things can go outta hand.

Whatever it may be,
I have let it healed me before.
All I ask now is to let it revive me once more.