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Thursday, February 10, 2005
CNY Day 2 (Draft 1)
Just finish The Amazing Race, a few episodes of it as well before the 2hr finale. The show really displayed what it takes to finish the race. Full of emotion, love, hate, hope, and sacrifice. Even the places were cool to watch and make you want to go there. Maybe that was why I lost and gave up on the Amazing Race, because there was too much love and passion in it and how it always reminds me of what I am.After that, finally cleared my room a bit. Will continue tomorrow, then I can finally find the time to start studying.

Just cross the 24 hour barrier at home. My first 24 hours at home this year, and it feels good. Relaxed most of the day, really could feel the battery in me almost fully charged. Should start hitting the books real soon, and also play hard the next few days. Once the new week starts, time to go full throttle again. I was almost going full non-stop for the past few weeks. You could feel the difference between totally spent and fully recharged now. Time to move on to other productive stuff.