Details are between the lines
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Given that you could only choose one, which would you choose?

1. A lot in common.
2. Went through a lot together.

Comments or tag the board pls. Like to hear your views.

And please don't give crappy answers like both or depends the situation, I'm serious.
Blogger bedazled_yl said...

definitely Went through alot together~

That's how u'll remember the times when u've both shared..be it sweet or bitter...that support u both gave...
It'll be engraved in our hearts one lorz...

Blogger ~~**^_^**~~ said...
For me I'll choose "went thru a lot together". Many people may have a lot in common, but how many can stay with you when the testing comes? How many can pick you up and cheer u up when u r down and totally crashed out.

U know u can depend on those who went thru a lot with u.

Ultimately, it's ur choice (^^)