Details are between the lines
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
What's Good and What's Not
Same time again. Can't sleep again. Better start switching back to normal sleeping hours or all the studying I'm doing won't help if I'm sleeping during the exams. It's good I can't sleep which I can really study without dozing off, but then again, I end up sleeping during the day. That can't happen on exams days, it's like the worst case senario you can think of.

Read some of my friends blogs, quoting a few things to ponder over:
Prof: I went to see my neurosurgeon yesterday
Me: For?
Prof: Just a checkup.
Me: So what did he say?
Prof: He says that both side of my brain are faulty.
Me: ????
Prof: He told me that my right brain has nothing left in it, while my left brain has nothing right in it.
Me: (-_-)"'

Ask yourself what is your purpose in life?
What would it take to make you happy...

Speaking of which, just found out that someone is also reading my blog. After sourcing around for a while, that person has a blog which started way longer than mine. And you write much better, kudos to you. Will be contacting that person soon...