Details are between the lines
Monday, May 16, 2005
Trouble is Brewing
Like I said, it's been a rough weekend. Let's see where we can start.

I started a blog to chronicle my orientation comm days and the build up to orientation. I'll be complaining there and describing what goes on. No links, there's a way to find it, you just gotta look.

Went back home on the weekend again. Maybe it's just me, but my grandma seems to be complaining about what I do more often. Things like why sleep so late ah, always on the computer, why eat so little, ur hair should cut like this, ur clothes should wear like this. Getting frustrated, but still, she's my grandma. And you know how they treasure their grandsons. Be contented with what you have, cos when she leaves, you'll know what it means.
I guess staying in hall kinda balances time for myself, time for family and time for friends. It allows you a certain freedom that the home doesn't have, but yet the warmth it lacks makes u yearn to go back. So balance is important.
Sometimes she nags too much I feel like gettin a girlfriend that at least she can start talking about her and not me. It'll provide an excuse of going out rather being stuck at home all day. Sounds evil but thts what happens when you start running outta ideas. Kidding...

In hall, been watching a lot of tv shows and to catch up on. It's been rather exhausting apparently on top of the comm work I have right now. It's now mainly SWOC for now, but the blk still needs a bit of maintainence now n then. Still there's a lot of odds and ends in my room to settle, I hope I can start working on it.

Gotta start working my photos too. Been just uploading and leaving it as it is. Now I have 2gb worth of photos, guess it's time to clear clear a bit.

As for trouble brewing, I knew it all along. As I always say, you gotta work with what you have. Even if it's the worst. It's up to you to bring the best out of it, and to bring out the qualities you want to see. You can't demand it, it can't happen. Rather, coax it out and things will be much better.