Details are between the lines
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Tue's Long Day
Tried to go all my lessons today. I did, but slept in some of them, really tiring. Anyway I scribble a few things during the lectures here n there. My thoughts throughout the day...

Mon's daily digest:
Sit in the middle of LT n still sleep. It doesn't do justice. But I guess tht's life. The race last nite was quite uneventful, dozed off here n there. McLaren put on a good show though. Guess they've improved, compared to Ferrari. In lect now, somehow, always sit in front of these 2 guys talking cock non-stop. But it's good entertainment.

(8am) For a moment, I couldn't understand what he was saying. Seems like a new lecturer, or was it still Martti? Then something familiar, e-value. K, back on track.
The pace though is still as slow, it's like time is being dilated here in this LT. Just feel like clicking it to 1.3x like in webcast. Guess I found my time. It's about 1 minute of inactivity or accumulative before my "LCD" goes off.
There seems to be more decepticons of late.
(12pm) Another full house. Waited 3 A1s before I got here.
Say exam, all sit up n listen. Sighzz......

Oh well. To end off here's food for thought.

Happiness keeps U Sweet,
Trial makes U Strong,
Sorrow keeps U Human,
Failure keeps U Humble,
Love keeps U Going,
Success makes U Excited.

Blogger Brian said...
Mac DevCenter Survey Closed - Results Coming
Last time I looked, we had more than 1,300 respondents . As of today, I've closed the survey so the link to the Zoomerang site is no longer active.

take a look at my site house