What an eventful week eh. Just when I thought I could post regularly, start coasting and easing into my new job in 2 weeks time, some things just gotta happen. But I guess, the timing was in a sense right. Before or after that would have been even worst. Have you ever watch a TV show when in the final episodes everything came together and you realise that it was part of a bigger plan all along? I kinda felt like I'm in one big plan right now. Everything that was said and done had lead to this. And the time was now. Shan't elaborate for now. There a few things to settle.
First off, movies. Yahoo movies had a few articles recently. Lists that had a theme which was quite cool.
End-Of-Earth-Day - Earth Day just passed and why not talk about movies that destroy the Earth in more ways than one.
10 Most Historically Inaccurate Movies - Now, there's a reason why ur teacher told u read books and not learn from the movies.
Hollywood Cars - It's a dream to get one of these cars.
Will talk more as the days goes by. Long days ahead.