Now let's see, my ads seem to only catch the word sailing. Everything else I talk about seems irrelevant. Oh well, continue to support by clicking on them k?
4th April. March was quite a ride for me. Although I didn't get much work, I got my work cut out cos of the unusual weather. Realized that never find a job where it is controlled by the weather. You won't get paid on a regular basis. But right now, the problem is that I'm heading that direction. So see how it goes.
The interviews are also coming in. Not gonna say much for now cos there's nothing much to say either. I think by May or June I'll have a better idea how the rest of my year is panning out to be. Lotsa stuff going on....
Started watching Battlestar Galactica. Got addicted on the first episode. Cleared one season, watching season two, got one more to go before season four starts like within a few hours. So yup, I'm still downloading shows like a tai-tai watching all the drama serials.
What else? Trying to dl games again. Even though I haven't played the ones I have. Oh well, if you're interested just ask me. Oh and updated the movies as well, but trying to find time to maintain it. There's a backlog everywhere. Clearing always in progress. Almost seeing the light though.
Oh and I've got sailing pics! That's the bunch of us. We basically take turns sailing the boat.
Will leave you with that.