Details are between the lines
Sunday, November 28, 2004
(Silence with only the fan buzzing)

The War was intense, swift, brutal. It all ended in a matter of days. All the high tension and suspense boiled down into two days of intensive, massive, bloody fighting in the streets, the buildings, and in the fields. Nonetheless, I lived to tell the tale. I’ve returned to Headquarters right after the last battle. The warriors were battered and exhausted, but relieved that the fighting was over for the day. Many knew that another day was ahead for them, and they had to move on. Others knew that battle was their last. I was one of them.
It was time for me to heal my wounds, to recuperate and refuel my spent resources. I spent a few days after that in Headquarters, tying up the paperwork and all. Although I recovered, nothing beats returning Home. It had passed midnight when I stepped into my room. Although everyone has slept, I could just feel their presence. It was a feel good feeling. It would always remind you that you can come Home and the troubles of the world would seem so far away.
Calling on old friends, the weekend is spent with them and to relieve those war stories again. Though it was fought just like yesterday, though it bloody and cold-hearted, I talk like a memory of long time ago.