Details are between the lines
Monday, November 15, 2004
Something's Telling Me it Might Be You
(It Might Be You by Stephen Bishop humming in my head)

Just watched Tootsie. It's good and one of the best movies I've seen so far in the past months. Guess I needed it, good that I did the right thing. While watching it though, thoughts still run through my head. I'm like stuck in the middle and I can't get out of. Can someone tell me what is real? I really don't know what is happening to me. It's so weird.
The problem is this, just as I was watching Tootsie, I thought about her again. It's those thoughts, the very same ones I have back in JC, but now it's a different person. How can this be?
I can't believe it, but am I really feeling for her? From one point yes but consider this. Back in JC, when I was having my As, a major exam, I had the same things, the same feelings. Is it because of stress that led to these feelings or are they for real? Now that's the real dilemma I'm in. Forget what the other corner is thinking, I don't even know what I'm thinking right now.