Let's see... time to pay some attention to this blog of mine.
Well, let's start off with the week.
Monday, organised a BBQ for my roomate, buddy and friends to say thanks for the super kind hospitality I got in HK, without them, I think I wouldn't have survived. Of course, I didn't do it alone, Chingman also invited her friends and buddies. Gaik Chin couldn't make in the end cos she just got back from another outta HK trip. Photos coming soon.
The rest of week went on as normal. Normal procrastination of lab reports and homework. Met up with Liling to settle our Korea trip. I'll talk about this later, cos if I'm not wrong I haven't mention this until now.
By Friday, I've skipped more classes this week than all the semester combined. Yeah I'm serious. This week, I've skipped a total of 5 periods of classes, that's about 5 hours, although each period is 50mins. Before this, I only skipped one, and missed 5 cos i was in Shanghai. So yeah, this week was really sinful.
So, one week over, a month and a few weeks left. I've been talking about back tracking my blog so often the past few days but haven't really got about doing it. Then I realise I've said this before, and the results aren't promising.
But for now, I gotta interrupt this program to bring something very interesting. Which brings me to title of today's post.
First, the pics to attract ur attention. (Works every time)

It was a Tuesday night, 7th Nov 2006. Chingman had come over to iron her dress for her High Table Dinner. After she was done, she had left something at the laundry room and went up to take it. But as she went to the lift lobby, she noticed water seeping through the fire escape door from the neighbouring hall and into out lift lobby and floor. Quote, 'It looked like the scene from Dark Water. It had a foul smell and you could see dust balls which looked like hair.' By now the fire alarm had sounded and ppl were wondering if it really was a fire or not.
So the water creeped. I couldn't save the common room but managed to stop the water from entering our corridoor but it went into the first two rooms. My floormates in those rooms fortunately were around and they help stop the water. So, since when did the floor looked so shiny(1st pic).
It turns out that one guy from the other hall had hung his clothes on the water sprinkler and his roommate had triggered it off, causing the flooding. U must have imagined that all his stuff were soaked to the core. It also triggered the fire alarm, which I thought was another drill. The security guard came up first, saw the situation and got down to work first while the reinforcements ( the cleaning aunties) came later. As you can see, the rest of the floor was affected and it really took a while to clean up the mess. Some of the water was swept to the stairwell while the rest was vacuumed up literally, the mops just wasn't enough. The water was about a 1 or 2 cm high. Note the huge vacuum cleaner in the pic. Notice the water level in the container, it was half full! That was how much water there was. At the end of it, more guards came to check out the situation. A few days later, the guys put up an apology note.
Next off, the Leonids meteor shower.
It's always the hot topic that ppl ask me and it's great to share each other's experiences. But seriously, the Straits Times have no idea what they talk about when it comes to Astro. That's why there's always this misconception that ppl will see a shower, when you just get a drizzle. Then again, this misinformation is always a good starting point to educate ppl about meteor showers. I was laughing when ppl rushed n packed the beaches in sentosa hoping to catch what the papers predicted 100s of meteors per hour back then. But it's this way that ppl realise what they do not know and how much there is to know.
I'll explain meteor showers with the help of this article
"The Leonids are bits of debris left behind by repeated passages through the inner solar system of the comet Tempel-Tuttle. Each November, Earth crosses various trails of debris, which have spread out over centuries and millennia. Dense debris trails have caused incredible meteor storms in years, past, notably 1998 through 2002." So as Earth enters the trail of debris, the debris gets attracted the Earth's gravity and enter our atmosphere. These debris are very small and burn up high in the atmosphere, hence giving us shooting stars. The bigger the debris, the brighter they burn up. The big ones might burn up so brightly, they call them fireballs. Fireballs usually leave a trail which lingers a few seconds longer than the shooting star.
"The Leonids are so-named because they appear to emanate from Leo. The meteors can race across the sky in any direction, but trace each one back and it'll point to Leo."
"The Leonids are actually underway already, ramping up gradually to the peak. The event continues for several days after the peak. So any morning during this time could offer up a handful of meteors each hour. Other shooting stars from other sources typically grace the sky at low rates, too." The peak occurs when we're sort of in the thick of the debris trail. There are other meteor showers through out the year. The brighter and more frequent ones are namely, the leonids, geminids, persids and aquarids.
"No special equipment is needed. Telescopes and binoculars are of no use. A lounge chair or blanket and warm clothes are all you need." More
So those fortunate enough, this weekend is a good time to go meteor watching.
Now for local news....
I was trying to find the video on the 7% GST hike on CNA, and ended watching more local news. Here... are my comments
Singapore Motorshow opens to public at Suntec SingaporeDid u know they import models from China? How come China? I was hoping to hear Japan or Korea before the sentence ended loh. How about Singapore? Sighz....the things ppl do...
UK sandwich retailer to open first Southeast Asian outlet in SingaporeU must watch this. I like the reporter, not in tht sense, but the way the clip was done. She talk talk until she mention the competition (in general) the retailer was facing, then the camera shifted and guess wat's behind her? A Subway stall! Truely sublime...
GST to be raised to 7%: PM LeeI had to watch this. Sianz when I heard this. Go back S'pore and I'm slapped with 7% GST. Here no GST one loh. And his reasons: to help the lower income ppl the gov will need more spending, so we big spenders gotta chip in. Then to help them they got this offset package. My plan is this, once i earn big big, I'll go jobless and enjoy the offset package myself. (just a crazy idea) Oh well, as usual, no chance for public to kao peh. Over in HK, wanna have GST, everybody talk about it liao, the gov even persuade the public to voice their opinion. Where got in Singapore?
New Chinese language curriculum to be implemented at Primary 1 & 2I always say this time and time again. We (our generation) and our children are guinea pigs to the Singapore education system. After I realise how often they revise the system, I began to think whether my education was really education or if I was in some big experiment that results are only starting to show. Think about it...
Lastly, Bush was all over Singapore the past few days. Got a few friends who had a glimpse of him. One had a funny shot of him too. Fortunately for him, I was in HK. If not, I would have tested the sytem myself. Guess it's preordained.
I've always gotten feedback personally from friends that say that I don't elaborate enough. Well, if you dun understand or want to know more, just tag it and i'll reply to it. Always healthy to have 2 way communication. You can ask me about it personally, but I'll forget to post it later. So just leave a tag and I'll do something about it.
That's all for now.