I was feeling like this a few days back when Liverpool went into the finals of the Champion League, facing the same opponents 2 years. I kinda felt it was like a form of redemption for me, since I missed the greatest moment in Liverpool history 2 yrs back. History has given me chance, and this time, nothing will stop me.
Of course, I don't forget Chelsea who aided us in every way.....

Oh I just can't wait for Athens.

Not forgetting the Man who made it all happen. Cool as a cucumber at the time when even I can't sit still.

His reason? "Oh, got people behind me mah, so dun wanna block them loh."
Oh come on........His head must be..."TMD, I did everything I could liao, even goal kena disallowed. This time it's up to them."
But oh how a week has changed. As always....