Details are between the lines
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Time To Up Level.
Believe in yourself.
Not in me, who believes in you.
Not in you, who believes in me.
Believe in yourself.
-Tengen Toppa Gueren Lagann

Was watching this anime and one of the characters drilled this into my head. Felt inspired by it and decided to share it. Good anime by the way. If you're interested, u can get from me.

I guess my previous post created quite a stir. But I will keep her identity a secret. Some might know, but I've lied a lot to keep her hidden. I hope it stays this way. And based on the ppl who read my blog (to the hundred silent fans out there), I guess she might have read it by now. If she doesn't, then it's fate.

Anyway, to satisfy all your curiosity, I just asked what she was doing tht night, and not asking her for dinner directly. That was y i said i should have asked her out instead. Guess I missed out this crucial point. But it gave everyone enough suspense for a first draft.

So a secret she will stay.

That aside, I've been watching my shows and movies lately. Sorting them out and trying to stop downloading stuff for a while as I watch the shows I download (for once) before burning them. My movie reviews are on my Facebook flixster profile. Go check it out.

That's when I'm not working, which is another thing that is starting to worry me. I guess there's so much more to being an adult. Still remember those times when I was young and can't wait to an adult. And grown-ups will tell you that your time will come. Yeah right, reality just hit me in the face.

So now the worry isn't the books, it's more than that. Now the money comes into the picture and ur family, ur future. It's like playing citadels and settlers combined. Oh well, you don't have all the time in the world, so live with it.

So maybe it's all the stuff going in my head that I've started to get sleepless nights. Also starting to fall a bit sick. And that's where this blog of mine came in and I decided to drop by. I guess just as I was stressed back in the army or in hall, writing something down before you head to bed is always a good way to end the day.

For today, I'll just sum up what's up and what's in store. Another Sat classifieds is waiting for me again, at the same time getting more involved in my part time job. This week should be an end all for me, where I won't sit on the fence anymore. The plan is set, just wait to see which side of the fence it will be. There's more to the decision than just money, it's the lifestyle that comes with it. Haiz....

More stuff also heading my way. Sheares is almost behind me, but a part of me will always yearn for it. Guess it's time to look forward and do the things I couldn't do in Sheares. I'll be taking up sailing and diving and seriously start doing bio and astro stuff. Kinda feel like being promoted from the Premiere League into the Champions League. Yupz, with the big guns now, that's why gotta up level.

Oh and my vday this year? Like any other year loh. Eat at home and watch movie. Had a plan, but didn't think it would work so didn't execute it. Saving it for later. There's another special day coming real soon. You guys should know it. (Don't think too much lah)

As I always tell my friends, if there's really something going on, I'll tell you in due time. Just that it hasn't even started at all. So dun get all excited ok? I dun wan to break all your hearts as well.
So stay tuned.