Details are between the lines
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
The Night Of 77 Stars
Great show, great crew, great perfomers, everything seem perfect! I still can't believe that we pulled it off. It was simply amazing how we manage to get together in such a short time. Everything was just finalised the night before, even the stage and all. The items were only confirmed the night before. Some didn't even manage to rehearse until like hours b4 the concert started.
Before the big night, things did really felt like falling apart, as mentioned by our blk head. But she was not to worry, because blk C is known to know how to put a show in front of others, especially to other blks. An it was true to the point. The whole blk shone like there were really 77 stars that very night.
That night, I was doing the lights and sounds with my crew. Minutes just before the show started, I was at the side of the stage with the mixer. All the C-towners were behind the stage behind the banner. You could feel and hear the excitement brewing behind, looking outwards from the stage, the hall was there watching. People were everywhere, at the seats, at the bridge, on the bridge, at the lobby looking over. It was like those shopping mall crowds that gather to see what's happening at the plaza below. You could see their expectant faces, waiting for a good show to start, and you're there just knowing that right behind you is your entire blk just waiting to show the hall what we're made of. It got me thinking, would any other blk do the same thing? I don't think so, I don't even think they have enough 'on' people to pull something that we can pull off.
The rest as they say, is history...