Details are between the lines
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Long & Winding Road 2
The road continues. Had actually saved a draft but then lost everything just because of some stupid IE error. So now I'm trying to repeat myself again.
Why am I doing this? So that when I look back, I know how I felt and what happened.

It Isn't The Same As It Is Anymore
My blog started as something to keep a record of my thoughts instead of the usual description of my day. Thus the title elaboration.
One foolish night, thinking no one would check it out, I put it up on my msn. Actually hoping for more hits, I never realise that 50% of my msn are Shearites who would ask you about your blog. The rest they say, is history.
Slowly my blog evolved to satisfy what they wanted to hear, slowly it evolved to adding suspense, clues, beating around the bush to satisfy their voracious craving. It slowly turned to what they want to know and hear, and not what I was really thinking. It became to such a stage that I would consider what they would be reading and not what I was thinking or went through that day. This had to change, when the turning point came when I felt my life was getting too transparent. And I had to pile up lies upon lies and half truths to deceive everyone and paint a different perspective to different people. It had to stop.
I just hope I can get back to my good old blogging again, and get back my 'poems'. It's almost there and the feeling of seeing the finishing line is good.