I might (I said I might) not be blogging for a while. For one good reason came along and I'm gonna use it, although I would love to blog to tie up loose ends.
My internet connection in my rooms seems to be cocking up every night recently, connecting then disconnecting often. They must have found out the illegal stuff I've been doing. It's only working in the afternoons, which today is a rare thing I'm in my room in the afternoon. I should be out and about HK by this time. And also, as always, I'm rushing for time for all sorts of stuff. So I'll try to squeeze some time for this old blog of mine if can afford. Oh and of course 67 Potato Chips should be on hold too, so hang on guys. Dun think exchange all play hor, S/U must also work for it. I know I had to wreck my brains for a period. More on tht soon.
For now, this blog should experience it's first official downtime.