Not much time now. This phrase rings true in many aspects. Just 2 hrs away to my next paper actually, so I'll make this short.

The Champions League draw. Yupz, as I write this, we'll know who Liverpool draws with in the next round CL in a few hours time. It's that waiting for something to happen feeling that I have, not only for this but for a few other things bugging my mind.
The round up of the rest of the past few days. About 2 days back, I had a sudden feeling my luck has left me. Seriously, things weren't going that well for me. And the most unlucky things happened. They were like signs to me.
This like not getting the tour package, getting paint on my jacket, basically getting 'no' answers everywhere.
But at the same time, I had that feeling that I had not done something that might have triggered this. So I came to a conclusion that I had to call home, which I haven't done so for a while. So I did, and things turned.
Everything's fine back home, and got news that reinforcements are coming. Pray it does come. Remember the google ads thing. There's been improvements, more on that when I return s'pore. Then I really went into study mode. Stayed overnight at the library to study finish my mechanics. It's a first for me, and a cool experience, but once is enough. Screws your bio clock upside down. Then it was also right timing that my BK burger came, and I kept it for breakfast. Went to microwave it in my canteen and I was in cloud 9. It's like the Organics ad. It was like a drug you thought u quit but one taste of it again you're hooked.
So things are turning around, well it was just that things took a detour to put it better. More to come.
*Google*<----What was promised shall be realised.---->*Google*