It's been a long time, but one which I have never talked about in here till now. Because I wanted to put it as a standalone entry and to relieve the emotions tht went thru me tht fateful day.
How It All Started
Well, I was quite reluctant to join rag at first, cos after swoc i was quite tired of spending my hols in hall again. But i had mentioned before that i wanted to do rag after i'm done with swoc. The other reason was tht i knew what was going to happen, and one man's effort alone wasn't enough to change anything. But in my friends, I saw tht i wasn't alone, and together there might be a chance to change things. It was them that I had joined rag, not for hall. I had consulted a lot of ppl b4 making this decision, which to many wasn't a big deal, but I felt it was. So i took the dive.
I knew what I was in for, what i had to do and what needs to be done. Not the technical details from rag but the side of things that a committee needs. This was the least i could do for someone who has the same amount of experience as my juniors.

Like what someone said before, in rag it's where u experience all the emotions in tht period of time. It's quite true actually. The feelings u get in rag are something u can never feel anywhere else. The same applies to swoc actually, but in swoc, you come out a wiser person.
All in all, I felt my hall life came full circle after rag, and that i could leave hall without any regrets about the things i didn't do.
It's been almost a sem since rag, but i can still feel how it was like back then. But what bugged me the most when i was thinking about how to write this was the thanks I had to give to ppl, which I didn't have the chance to tell them b4 i left for HK. And it stuck in the back of my head for quite a while. Until now, when the time is right to put it into words.

Well, I'd to thank everyone for the effort that they had put in. There might be differences sometimes, but no heart feelings and every one was trying to do their job. Even though we didn't win anything physically, the one true thing we won which other halls can't achieve is the hearts of the Shearites. We showed them how rag can be and what it can be like. That to me is a victory won.

The one true person I'd like to thank was the one who asked me to join rag. This person was persistant and had it not been for this person, i wouldn't have experience the rag experience. So, i'd like to thank you. I'd also like to tell you that you have not failed in rag, even though u might think so, because there's one person whom u have convinced that rag was worthwhile. I had faith in you all tht time, but along the way, you lost tht faith and started to wander. On that very day, so see the tear run down your cheeks made me sad. For it wasn't tears of joy i saw but of disappointment and worthlessness. I had forgotten to take a pic with you b4 the day started, only to regret it hours later. I tried to reach out a hand to you but u refused, and I knew it was all i can do then. Do not lose faith, but come out stronger and wiser than b4. It was you that I had the chance to be in rag.
Sheesh, words are failing me again. But i guess you get the drift.
So, that was how rag is for me. Kinda. Here's a parting shot.