It's funny what your friends can say to you. So here are a few quotes, not exact ones, but those that I can still remember. And there's always words of wisdom from them. Disclaimer: Statements have been shorten or modified to bring message across.
On my job:
"You go full time lah. You like it so much, nevermind the pay not so good. You don't need the extra money anyway."
"You're the only one I've heard who actually enjoys your job."
On love:
"Y u never ask so-and-so ah. You always talk about her, but nothing happens."
"Eh you're only one staying in hall. We all attached liao except u. U sure hall dun have one u like?"
"You're the one who has most contact with gals, so u should have the largest resource pool. Dun be choosy lah."
"Eh, jio me for yoga class leh. I also wanna meet girls."
Words of wisdom:
"Next time go work liao, your circle of friends will start to shrink. How to find gal in future?"
"Don't shit in your own backyard."
That's all I can think of for now. Feel free to fill more quotes thru the tagboard.