Details are between the lines
Monday, March 14, 2005
One Last Thing Before We Continue
The only thing I haven't mention thus far was IHG swimming. Here's a few words for it.
I didn't blog about it mainly because that time I was really busy and had other things in my mind. But that day was rather significant to me as I was the first time I really competed in swimming. All the training sure paid off as I did my personal best. Along the training process, you could feel yourself actually getting fitter and healthier, which was good too, as I really needed it.
When the final day came, everything was focused on just one lap. It was make or break. We did everything by the book, followed all the rumoured superstitions, and prayed hard nothing went wrong. Stepping on the platform, I was kinda nervous, but you could hear your friends cheering you on, cheering things we could only understand and no one else. That was assuring. With their hopes behind me all the way, I did a quick thought process before counting the strokes and taking that final breathe, plunged into the pool. It wasn't hard concentrating, as we have done it often before, it was the will power of overcoming your physical fatigue that was harder. I had to tell myself 'almost there, almost there.' Looking up, I could see my teammates urging me on to the finishing, getting outta breathe was the last thing I need. I held on, knowing I can't let them down, and seconds later, I tapped the wall.
The rest is history...