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Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Time To Get Cracking
I've been seriously been procrastinating tons of stuff. Add on the new year mid term break, I was on hoilday mood. My test on Fri n still haven't start studying. Been doing the usual rituals (doing everything else than studying, includes blogging), but suddenly, I'm running out of them. So most likely after this I should be able to start studying. And that's a day in advance, since I usually start the night before.

Anyways, after shooting a few emails, it's time to do follow up. I realised this sem my activities aren't about work sessions and meetings, but rather, sending emails and doing follow ups and spending a session to do real work. Is it the diff positions I've taken up such tht the working style has changed, or is it the way things are done nowadays? Hmm....

I've updated my photos at webshots. Added more Hong Kong Photos, there's still the months of Nov n Dec to go. Will upload in time to come.