Day 7 (Welcome to the PRC)
The day started off at 8am. The sun wasn’t shining as brightly as usual. Looks like a cloudy day. After washing up, I looked out the window and saw how bad it was. The clouds were low and it looked like it was gonna rain. Weird thing in HK is that when it’s cloudy, a kinda haze hangs over the whole region. Anyway, it didn’t rain in the end.
I met up with my room-mate’s friends, a total of 5 of us headed for Shenzhen. A train ride there costs HK31.50. Same price back. It took only about 40mins max. Customs was quite a drag. The whole place reminded me of how ppl go back n forth from JB over the weekend. Shenzhen, like JB has cheap stuff n many ppl from there go back home over the weekend. The whole crowd in the morning was like an exodus from HK. Similar but opposite happened the same night when we came back.
Entering Shenzhen, it was really like entering
We found the restaurant we wanted to go. It had steamboat and served goat’s meat. The food was nice and ate our fill. Their spicy was really spicy, which I underestimated them. Had thought the Chinese weren’t into hot stuff. Next headed to the KTV. We couldn’t really find our way at first, but after a while, we manage to get a taxi who knew how to go. All this time, I didn’t really understood what was said and just followed them around. Half the time I was really trying to figure out what they were saying. Over lunch, one of them discussed about having gals along. Bad idea…
So we reached the KTV and spent around 4 hours there. I didn’t really sing much, just one or two songs. They weren’t really embarrassed about their singing n just sang their lungs out. Their choice of songs was predominantly sung by males. Anyway, I figured the game of dice played in Pirates 2. They had dice there and we tried round after round. Kinda fun and like a game of bluff. Anyway, listening to some of the songs really jolted my memory. I come back to that later.
After that, we headed to down to shopping centre district and had KFC. My room mate mentioned that KFC was more popular with the ppl than Mac in
Anyway, at the end of the day, we took a train back home. Almost had a problem at customs entering back into HK, but it was nothing in the end. Learnt that in HK, ppl walk on the left, but in
A similar incident happened a few days back. I was at Yau Ma Tei MTR and it was the last stop for the green line. Gaik Chin n I was going back and we took the green line. On the way down to the platform, we saw ppl gathering on one side of the platform. No train was visible, so I assumed that was the usual side. We slowly walked to a door and waited when the announcement said that the train would arrive on the other side of the platform. Immediately, everyone rushed to the other side, even though no train had arrived yet. Some were even running across. Both of us were stunned as we slowly moved across the platform. It took us a moment before laughing at the whole matter. Again, I’ve seen ppl run across City Hall to catch the next train when the train is over the other side, but never when the train is not even here yet. Amazing. Will try to record this one day.
Felt I learnt a lot today. Tomorrow, the ball will start rolling.
Day 8 (First Day of School)
It’s always a rush on the first day of school. People running everywhere, catching up with classmates and chatting about what they did over the holidays, etc. My first lesson was at 1.30pm. But I got up early to enroll into the Uni. Couldn’t do so until I entered HK as a student, before this I was just a tourist visitor.
Long story short, I did my visa late and couldn’t collect it until I got here in HK. When I got here, they told me that I had to leave HK n re-enter using the visa. I tried asking if I could just go to the immigration office but it seemed that everyone was telling to go Shenzhen or
So anyway, that was why I couldn’t get internet or do anything in school for the whole week. Now finally with my student ID, it could allow you to go anyway in the Uni. It’s like a universal card.
Back to the first day, so I explored the Uni, figured out the printing stuff and checked out what texts to buy. I still got my NUS stuff to settle. Then also registered my network card. So everything slowly fell into place. As I went for my first lesson, funny thing was that the lecture was held in a classroom, but it had a small cohort, like 30 or so, as compared to the 300+ life science students in NUS. Lessons are basically similar to those in NUS, so I won’t bore you with what was done.Woke up this morning with my room mate complaining that it was too hot, so he switched on the air-con n went back to sleep. A moment later, he woke up n off the air-con, saying it was too cold. I had to agree, but was to sleepy to bother about the temperature. Watching him complaining about the temperature was quite amusing. He’s been doing this for the past few days. Then again, he’s right, the air-con’s quite powerful, and it can get very hot in the late morning when the sun shines into our window. That’s y I tend to leave the room by noon and go explore town. But for today, I almost had enough of sleeping on a makeshift pillow. The aches are getting to me and the heat is quite bad. Thus I went to the shop Angie recommended last night. It was designer furniture shop, the pillows aren’t that cheap. I almost wanted to buy it, but held back until I see the price in IKEA. Next I went down to Page One. The bookstore was very much like Kino, down to the interior design. Sadly, there isn’t any stationery. It was around 3pm by now, and I headed to the food court to try out the food. Food was alright, but I’ll stick to my canteen food. The KFC across the mall was much more tempting. Another time I guess. Then after exploring the other side of the mall, I found this cool shop called Log-on. It had like cool stuff, from stationery, to bags, to office stuff. Even gardening stuff for small plants. It also had beauty products n electronics. But the prices there are like designer prices. Cool n nice, but ex. Will get something nice before I leave HK from there (cos
As I walked a bit more, I bumped into Gaik Chin. She was also doing her own shopping in Festival Walk and would have called me later. Guess we met earlier than expected. We went down to Yau Ma Tei after that and explored the streets. There was this street which sold vegetables and raw meat, very much like a wet market. But it wasn’t highlighted in the map. We went on to see
We decided to drop by the Porridge restaurant (Ocean Empire) to have dinner. As we ordered, the lady forgot to mark my order on the bill. My porridge came late, and in the end, when I went to pay for the bill, the cashier just charged us for one bowl instead of two. I quietly paid the bill n left. Gaik Chin questioned my conscience. I was like I knew but didn’t say. She asked if it was I didn’t know how to say it or I was trying to get away with it. It was a bit of both actually. But hey, this doesn’t happen that often you know. So we ate 2 bowls for the price of 1.
Next we went to
After that, we headed on home. I dropped by Pacific Coffee again to surf the net. I think the boss already knows me. I left without buying something, so I owe one to them.
Started watching CSI last night. I think I brought enough entertainment to last me thru the whole sem. But then again, I gotta make time to learn Cantonese as well. Gotta catch those TVB shows soon n pick up something.
Shenzhen, here I come.
Day 6 (Indoors)
Just my morning usual routine, waking up grabbing a bite, reading my book (The Sword Of Shannara), dozing back into dreamland till about 1pm. My room mate went for a run around 9am, caught another episode of CSI. The Shenzhen trip had been postponed to Sunday. So today was kinda like my free day. Thought for a while what to do.
By 1pm, I decided to hop down to my Uni canteen to grab lunch. There’s only one canteen, but a huge one. I realised that if you choose wisely, your meals can turn out to be quite cheap. So for today I went for beef n ham with rice, was only HK18. Tasted kinda nice too, but not the type you’d stick to eating day in day out. Still trying to find that elusive dish to stick to. Then I went out to Page One to see what magazines they had. They had the usual magazines, but not on Astro. Either they don’t offer or are sold out. Realise that
Today’s been quite slow, but after today, the pace will pick up again.
I’ll be leaving for Shenzhen at 9am. Dunno when I’ll be back. Monday starts school at 1.30pm. I’ll be trying to enrol in the morning and then register n shift some of my classes. Then also get my connection online as well. From then on, the flood gates will open and I’ll be back in business.Day 3, Wednesday (The pace slows down)
Two days of shopping and hustling with the HK crowd can really take the wind outta you. Both of us were kinda tired but a trip to the temple might ease and slow the pace down. Today was a super hot day. Sweated non-stop.
Our first stop was Wong Tai Sin temple. Before that, I left my hall earlier to hop on down the Coffee Bean to catch up on the net. Guess nothing much has happened. Or that things back home are just going on smoothly. Met my roommate in the morning, and I arranged with him to go up to Shenzhen over the weekend with his friends. This came just in time when I needed to go Shenzhen. Anyway, Gaik Chin couldn’t go yet cos her visa wasn’t done, so it’s also good that I went first and check it out.
Back to the main topic, Wong Tai Sin temple is just like those temples you see in
It was already mid-afternoon when we left Wong Tai Sin. We headed down to Diamond Hill and checked out Chi Lin Nunnery. It was one of those places where tourists rarely visit. The place was really tranquil and when you step in, a sense of peace was in the air. A very nice place to take gd photos. I couldn’t take the statues though as they weren’t allowed. But the whole place was a Buddhist temple with huge statues. We spent some time there and rested a while. I think at this point, it was a good time to come here, away from all the rushing pace and overcrowded places in the downtown
After that, we took a bus outside the nunnery back to her Uni. In between all this, we exchanged what happened the night before. About her adventure back home last night, her conversation with her roommate and of her buddy. For me, it can’t be compared to that. I caught a movie, half of it though. Tested sleeping without the aircon, read up more on HK. Then there was this encounter at lunch at Wong Tai Sin. We sat next to an old lady and she needed another glass of hot water. Gaik Chin offered to refill for her. Then she started talking to me. I couldn’t really make out what she said, but I caught the drift that she was saying how fortunate I am. When Gaik Chin came back, she told her some stuff as well, but she had to clarify things to the old lady. What a funny moment it was.
Back in HKUST, we took a short nap in her lounge before taking a walk by the seaside and exploring the sports facilities. By now, it was around 6.30pm. I had my dinner at the Uni’s canteen before leaving for my hall. Reaching Kowloon Tong, I walked around Festival Walk looking for a hair saloon but to no avail. I found the ice-skating ring at 60HK per entry. Should try it one day. Popped by Coffee Bean again to check it there’s new email, then went Taste to buy groceries. Bought bread, cereal, milk, soya milk(to try) and 2L of Pepsi twist for the late night sugar rush.
Soon, my room-mate will be getting his stuff and moving in. Guess tonight will be the night we’ll be finally sleeping in the same room. Never experience this before, so see how it goes.
Thinking back, I should have seen her home yesterday. Had I done that, things would have been different. Guess I gotta always be on my toes.
On a side note, this morning I dreamt about Rag and our float. Guess I’m starting to miss people already.
Day 4 (The Heat Is On)
Another hot day today. Wore the wrong shirt out. Should have gone for t-shirt, shorts and sandals instead of a polo and jeans. Oh well, I thought I was going downtown to IKEA today and get my pillow, but then took a change of plans when I was already good to go. So the IKEA plan was postponed. I went for a haircut instead then met up with Gaik Chin and checked out
At the
The food was not bad, and came in large servings as usual. As for lunch, I just had a small bun while waiting for Gaik Chin at Lok Fu Station. Before that, breakfast was 2 slices of bread and soya bean milk. Somehow, the bread here was more filling that back home. We walked a bit more before heading home. Saw Gaik Chin to the bus stop and waited till the bus came.
Back at Festival Walk, I went to find the shop Angie suggested where I could get a pillow. It was closed by the time I got there. Most shops here close at 10pm, at least the departmental ones. Guess one more night of sleeping with a towel.
After today, I realize I should spend some time trying all the weird food in the supermarket. There’s like Vanilla Coke Light, Mango ice-cream sticks, honey dew flavour ice cream, the different brands of instant noodles and snacks. There’s also
That’s all for today. Still gotta work hard to get around. Looking forward to the trip to Shenzhen. There was this funny thing someone once mentioned to me here. ‘It’s faster to go to
The flight was pleasant, so much so I could sleep through a movie (Thank You For Smoking) and the stewardess had to wake me up for lunch. What do I have to say, it’s SQ866. A few friends sent me off at Changi, but those that I really want to meet aren’t around.
At arrival, everything went smoothly. Had to claim back my jack knife at baggage claim after they confiscated it at Changi. Had left it my Outdoor red bag. The security guard really took an effort to dig out amongst all my stuff. That’s gd security. Now, it was the 2 hour wait for Gaik Chin. Found the Macs that we’re suppose to meet, but it was full, so settle and the seats next to the arrival hall. Took a nap as usual. When she arrived, we met up with her buddy and took a cab all the way to her Uni. The fare was like 346HK. Ex like fuck. But it saved the trouble. Cos the next day when I traveled to my Uni, my luggage gave her quite a lot of problems.
Her Uni was huge and it faced to sea. Scenary was wonderful in the morning. I’ll leave the comments of her room to her. She’s staying with a Canadian btw. And I slept in the lounge, which they call a Common Room. Kinda reminded me of the last few days in hall.
The next day, we woke up early to settle her admin stuff and pay her bills. Then it was off to my Uni. Met up wif my buddy. She’s the quiet typed, but she really helped show me around the place. Took a short shuttle to the hostel and check in. As for my room, I’ll let the pics do the talking for now. There’s no fan, only air-con, still calculating the rate tho (last count was like 6hr for 10HK). Just met my room-mate. He’s from Xian, yr 2 studying in this Uni. Hope he can be of great help. Btw, I also have an attached bathroom, sharing with the other room ppl, ie, I stay in 505B, 505A ppl n me share one common bathroom. So it’s 4 ppl to a bathroom.
As for the rest of the day. We explored Mong Kok and tried to get some essentials but to no avail. However, I came across a cool shirt. You’ll understand from the pic I took of it. And it was only 39HK. We then met up with Gaik Chin’s buddy again and he helped us around n finally settle buying some of our stuff. He’s William btw. Haven’t got his Chinese name tho. We went to a food court for lunch then had porridge for dinner. On the first night, after left our stuff in Gaik Chin’s rm, we went out and had Macs. Quick n easy cos we’re tired and it was getting late.
Now, after dinner today, I made my own way back to City U. Was quite easy. But it was a long walk. Really good training on the legs. I thought the walk up thru Sci to our hall was like mount doom, but this one made that look like just bukit timah. This was the real mount doom, with the hostels over-towering and looking down on you like the ‘seeing-eye’.
Took a gd bath and now blogging. The night’s still young though, gotta explore a bit n meet the rest of the folks. BRB.
Day 2, Tuesday (Lost in Translation)
Woke up in the morning, the air-con had switched off halfway thru the night. My roommate was missing, but he came in soon after. Talk to him a bit. He had slept over his friend’s place. We washed up and left for the Uni, tho he left earlier. I was still lazing around. Better to go later when all the offices are open. Anyway, I finally got my visa but encountered some problems. Called up my buddy n she tried to help me. But she could only do so much. She said she’ll get her friend to help, but till now, I haven’t got the contact from her yet. Maybe just remind her tomorrow bah.
So we went for lunch, which was behind the Uni. Not bad the food, and she treated. She’s really nice. Since we couldn’t do much for the rest of the afternoon, she left while I explored a bit of the supermarket at festival walk. The prices are something like NTUC. So it was quite ok. Then went back hall to ‘nua’.
Met up with the roommates from the other room. They were cleaning up their room and we met in the bathroom. We talked for a while in the bathroom. They’re from HK and are yr 2. Their English n Chinese aren’t that good, but their Canto was of course gd lah. So I’m like vice versa. They knew that too once I told them I was from
Then it was off to meet Gaik Chin at 5pm. We were going to meet up with Angie for dinner. So we walk much of harbour city before resting at Macs(again) n waited for her till she came at about 7.45pm. A short walk later, I rediscovered the Espirit outlet and it was shopping till like about 9pm. Bought 3 t-shirts. Will be back when I take more orders. The story of it shifting was alas untrue.
Next it was off to eat dinner at this restaurant called ‘Biao Ge’. The photos speak for themselves. Food was alright, tho I agree with Gaik Chin that it was more salty than that in